Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Forecast for the Dow, New Feature for the Blog

In a previous post, I gave a prediction for the Dow to rise to 8300. Given what has now happened, I'd like to revise that. The Dow has just broken through its most recent high mark (of Apr 17th), and I now see the rally taking the Dow back above 10,000.

Which brings me to the new feature of the blog. I give my calls, and we'll see how a hypothetical $10,000 invested as I say will do over time, assuming a trading fee of $9.99.

Since I see the market rally continuing, I'm taking a position in DDM, which is a leveraged ETF (exchange-traded fund) that returns twice the daily performance of the Dow. I'm going to start the clock now, even though I bought DDM a few days ago. I'm going to say you can pick up DDM at its current price of $26.93, you can get 370 shares. (More if you're on margin, but let's keep it straight.)

I don't believe the bear market is over. I think the Dow will still fall to the 1000 range or below. (In a previous post, I called for 400). The reality is that the stock market has been on an outrageous tear for 27 years. That kind of growth is not corrected by an 18-month bear market, even one of this severity.

Once this rally has tapped out, I'll call for taking the opposite side, with an ETF called DXD, which moves double the inverse of the Dow.

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