Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gold Correction

Gold is one of the few assets in the world which is in a primary bull market, meaning that the asset is rising overall, despite periods of downward movement. We're in one such period now, which is going to act as a brake on all gold-related assets, including mining stocks like Seabridge Gold SA which I've recommended.

I still think the stock is a long term win, but I must say that it's likely it will go into correction mode (in fact, it already has fallen $6 or so from its recent peak, a 20% decline). Those with a short-term frame may think about selling, even at a loss, in order to get back at a lower price.

Since I expect the overall market to begin another period of decline, I like a stock that will move inversely to the market, like DXD. (Remember, DXD is for short-term trading only; it has mathematical characteristics that make it a poor long-term investment.)

I suppose I now have to break my 10 grand bit into two groups: long term and short term. Long term, stay with Seabridge, even though you're down right now. It'll come back. Short term, take the loss and move into DXD while you wait for SA to bottom out.

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