Friday, May 15, 2009

It Pays to Be Bipolar

This fellow Andrew Behrman, author of Electroboy, was paid $400,000 by Bristol Meyers Squibb to promote the bipolar drug Abilify. Not bad. I love the name "Abilify"; it's the perfect name for a drug: nonsensical, but with the right connotations. While drugs for bipolar conditions are no doubt helpful in some cases, it seems like the overwhelming majority of the time these drugs are used to mask symptoms that are important psychological and emotional signals.
The corruption of this system of paid shills who promote drugs via their own experience with it is unbelievable.


J-ECON5 student said...

well, i am sure ther are two sides of story within this case. we could also see it this way: Andrew Behrman had a taste of money, now he's no longer satisfied by the money from the company he used to get paid from to promote their product, so he is not only turn against them, but also try to make money by selling his "experience" book, huh, what a gold digger Mr. Behrman is.

Dr. Asatar Bair said...

Yeah. He left because of a dispute over his pay.