Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ron Paul Grills Bernanke

Here's a good video of Ron Paul giving Fed chair Ben Bernanke the business.

Much has been said about how Ron Paul sounds crazy, conspiratorial, etc., but at least he's up there questioning the economic guru of the day.

Ben Bernanke firmly believes that the reason the Great Depression happened was that the Fed did not act aggressively enough, and allowed monetary policy to tighten, worsening the Depression. In fact, the Fed was quite aggressive. Consider that the Fed flooded the banking system with liquidity, raising the money supply by 10% in a single week. However, this was counteracted by the contraction in bank lending, because banks were in the process of deleveraging.

If that doesn't sound familiar, it ought to.

The very same thing happened in the Fall of 2008. The money supply actually tightened, despite the Fed creating massive amounts of money and injecting it into the system. This is because the money supply is not controlled directly by the Fed, but rather it's a product of the fractional reserve system. If banks lend less, the money supply falls, perhaps as much as $10 for every $1 fall in lending. That's the magic of the fractional reserve system. Banks create and destroy money, and the process is not under the direct control of the Fed.

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