Tuesday, May 26, 2009

WSJ: The End of Bling

Hey, remember what I wrote a while back about the End of Bling? Well, the folks at the Wall Street Journal must've read it, because today's headline says much the same: Culture of Bling Clangs to Earth as Recession Melts Rappers' Ice.

It seems rappers are turning to lower-quality (or even outright fake) gold and gems for their big necklaces and grills.

The article mentions Lil' Jon and his record-breaking, 5 lb gold and diamond pendant that says Crunk Ain't Dead, but to me, Damien Hirst's skull piece For the Love of God is even more emblematic of the era. If any piece represents the end of the first decade of the 21st century, this is it.


J-ECON5 student said...

What a piece of jew, brother Lil. LOL

Dr. Asatar Bair said...

What do you mean?

J-ECON5 student said...

I was just laughing at these celebrities' strange way of lavishing their money.